The 5 most important muscle building foods & supplements…

05/03/2013 17:51


The 5 most important muscle building foods & supplements…

1. High Protein Foods

  • Without protein YOU CAN'T Build Muscle because Your muscles are made up of mostly protein & water so…
  • Make sure at least 30% of the calories you eat come from proteinso your body can build muscle and…
  • You can get protein from Animal food sources such as beef, chicken & fish or… Plant sources such as nuts, seeds & beans but…
  • Make sure you Eat a variety of high protein muscle building foods and/or protein shakes so you can get all the amino acids your body needs to build muscle because although your muscles are made up of protein…
  • Protein is made up of amino acids so… Amino acids are really the basic building blocks of muscle and since there's 20 different types of amino acids…
  • Each protein source you eat will have different levels of each amino acid and that's why it's best that you try to get your protein from as many different sources as possible.

2. Protein Shakes

Protein shakes are the only supplements that will actually help you build muscle because your muscles are made up of protein so…

The only way your muscles can recover, repair itself and build you much bigger & stronger muscles after you workout is if you get enough protein in your diet by eating these high protein foodsand/or by drinking protein shakes so really…

You don't have to waste your money on protein shakes unless you're having a hard time getting all the protein you needfrom high protein foods alone and this could be case if you don't have time to prepare your meals or if you just don't feel like eating lots of high protein foods and…

There's basically 5 types of protein shakes you can get and…

Neither one is better than the other because PROTEIN is PROTEIN and basically… It's all about getting enough protein in your diet no matter where it comes from to build muscle but if you can afford it…

Try to get many different types (not name brands) of protein shakes to get a wider variety of amino acids and here's the 5 types of protein shakes…

  1. 1. Whey Protein shakes - Whey protein is usually easier to mix and is less thicker than the other kinds of protein shakes.

    2. Casein Protein shakes

    3. Egg Protein shakes

    4. Soy & Hemp Protein Shakes - Best for vegetarians.

    5. Blended Protein shakes - These are just protein shakes that have a combination of whey, casein , egg & other protein sources in them and… Blended protein shakes may be the best for you if you're on a budget so you can get a variety of protein sources & amino acids.

Studies prove You'll get the same muscle building results no matter what kind of protein shake you use - for example…
  • In a study published in Experimental Biology… Researchers found that people who used whey protein, soy protein or a whey/soy protein blend all gained the same amounts of muscle and…
  • A 6 week study a Laurentian University in Canada also found that you can get similar muscle building results no matter what type of protein shake you use and according to a study published in the Nutritional Journal…
  • Even when you Eat a whey or soy protein bar you'll still get the same muscle building results.

3. Water

You should try to drink at least 1 liter of water everyday because…

  • 70-to-80% of your muscles are made up of water with the rest of your muscles being made up mainly of protein and…
  • Your muscles will take much longer to repair itself if it's dehydrated and…
  • Drinking water makes your muscles look bigger instead of looking flatter like a deflated balloon (See how to make your muscles look bigger without lifting weights) and…
  • Drinking enough water helps you workout with more intensity so you can build muscle faster.

4. Complex Carbs (carbohydrates) & Healthy Fats

Before you think about going on an ultra-high protein diet - You must know that YOU CAN'T Build Muscle without eating enough Carbs & fats so really…

About 45-to-65% of the total daily calories you eat should be from carbs & healthy fats and the rest protein and here's why carbs & fats are important for building muscle…

  • If you don't eat enough carbs - your body will breakdown and burn muscle for energy causing you to lose muscle and along with water…
  • Eating enough carbs keeps your Muscles looking bigger plus…
  • You need to eat carbs to stay energized so you can workout longer and lift heavier weights to build bigger muscles because your body uses Carbohydrates for energy and more importantly…
  • Without enough healthy fats in your diet your body can'tproduce testosterone which is a MAJOR muscle building hormone

5. Meal Replacement Shakes (MRPs)

If you're having a hard time getting all the calories you need along with enough carbs, protein & fat then that's where Meal Replacement Shakes (or MRPs) can help you meet your dietary needs because…

MRPs contain not only protein but also the right amounts of carbs & fats and MRPs come in all different sizes ranging from 200-to-1000 calories so for example…

Labrada Lean Body For Men is a good Meal Replacement Shake that contains 320 calories, 40g of protein, 22g of carbs and 8g of fat but again…

Meal Replacement Shakes are only important to you if you don't have time to prepare some of your meals and here's…

3 Good but not crucial Muscle Building supplements…

1. BCAAs (Branched-chain amino acids)

Muscle is made up of protein and protein is made up of amino acids so…

If you're getting enough protein in your diet from high protein foods along with Protein shakes & Meal Replacements then you'll already be getting enough BCAAs in your diet to help you build muscle but…

  • BCAAs boost energy levels during your workouts by keeping your brain from not recognizing fatigue and…
  • BCAAs reduces cortisol which is a bad hormone that breaks down muscle and…
  • BCAAs also help prevent fat gain.

2. Creatine

YOU DO NOT NEED Creatine to build muscle and creatine is definitely not as important as the other muscle building supplements & foods on this page but all creatine does is…

  • Creatine gives you more energy for your workouts and it helps you workout longer while lifting heavier weights which will lead to bigger muscle gains and…
  • Creatine also draws water into your muscles making your muscles look bigger.

3. Multi-Vitamins

Sometimes because of the way you diet & exercise to build muscle… Your body loses some of the essential vitamins and minerals it needs to help you build muscle so as an insurance policy…

It's good idea to take a multi-vitamin but usually… Eating the right foods and Protein shakes & Meal Replacements will already supply your body with the muscle building vitamins & minerals it needs.

More foods that build muscle…

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